What is Year-End Giving?

The holiday season, beginning with Thanksgiving is when most people are in the gift-giving spirit; thus, it was coined ‘The Season of Giving’ or, as many not-for-profits like to refer to it as, ‘year-end giving.’

As people spend time shopping for loved ones and receiving their gifts, they are also often inspired to give back to organizations that can make a difference for others. This makes it the perfect time to give back to the organizations doing good in the community.

Reminding supporters to be thankful and give back during the holiday season has proven a successful tactic that helps not-for-profits garner additional support for their cause. Charitable giving during the holiday season is essential for not-for-profits because it is the time of year when they receive most of the donations that make their services possible. According to Bloomerang and Pursuant, roughly half of all not-for-profits receive most annual gifts from October through December. The Grand Haven Area Community Foundation reports that 50% of donations to not-for-profits are given in December. According to Not-for-profits Source, 10% of all annual giving occurs in the last three days of the year.

How does MJHS use its year-end gifts?

Not-for-profits like MJHS rely on support from grateful family members and donors to provide care that goes above and beyond what is typically covered by their insurance. Without donations, MJHS couldn’t offer many programs and services that make a difference in the lives of many patients and families. These programs include specialized support for pediatric patients and their families facing the end of life, Art & Music Therapy, Dementia Care, and Pastoral Care. 

When you support MJHS, you are giving more than money. You are saying that you believe that caring is doing. Your support continues a charitable tradition that started over 100 years ago. 

Learn about the different programs you can support by donating to the MJHS Foundation for more information about how you can help.

What are the benefits for donors to donate during year-end?

People who donate money to not-for-profits and charitable organizations experience psychological, emotional, social, and financial benefits, including but not limited to:

  • Feeling Good About Supporting a Worthy Cause: When you give to a not-for-profit, you directly support a cause you think is good and vital. 
  • Financial Incentives: In addition to facilitating direct financial relief to affected nonprofit organizations, the Tax Deduction & Charitable Giving Incentives for Donors- CARES Act also creates charitable giving incentives for donors to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations. Section 2204 of the CARES Act includes a new above-the-line deduction (universal or non-itemized deduction that applies to all taxpayers) for total charitable contributions of up to $300. The incentive applies to donations made in 2020 and will be claimed on tax forms next year. Section 2205 of the CARES Act lifts the existing cap on annual contributions for those who itemize, raising it from 60 percent of adjusted gross income to 100 percent. The legislation increases corporations’ annual limit from 10 percent to 25 percent. Food donations from corporations would be available to 25 percent, up from the current 15 percent cap.*

 The end of the year is also the last chance for people to make tax-deductible donations before the new year.

*MJHS does not provide tax advice – please get in touch with your accountant.